Review: Die Antwoord - $ Them Kids Wanna Rave $

Gosh, whatta Hype!!!
Die Antwoord in Berlin, two sold-out concerts at Berghain!

I went yesterday and thought by myself:

“This is the Future. the Past. the Now.”

It is all so easy…

Kids want to freak out.

They need beats.

They need anthems.

They need pictures (visuals)

Die Antwoord provides them in a similar way as Deichkind, Scooter or H.GichT do.

Or Rave Culture did in the 90ies.

90ies are totally back, that’s why Die Antwoord are so successfull and up-to-date with their detailed aesthetics. It was very RAVEY, indeed…

That doesn’t mean I didn’t like it.

The headache was there before…

Sweaty bodies flying through the air

1-hour Madness in a box.



Here another of my bad quality live videos. Have fun!


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