Daily Happa #92/ Russian Standard- Let It Stink

Now that I am back in Berlin (and already missing Moscow and the nice friends I made there), I want to give to you a last post about my trip, which is mainly about the russian cuisine. I got the chance to get to know a lot of traditional meals and specialities and drinking habits inbetween extended walks, museums and parties…

On my last evening we had a dinner with some stinky pickles (young garlic, garlic sprouts, salted cucumbers) from the market, you have to eat them with a shot of Vodka in your hand…then drink…

with than we had a great salad with fresh estragon, tasty tomatoes, pine nuts and a lemon-honey-dressing and bulgur with peppers, eggplant and cinnamon and a spicy tomato-coriander-sauce (Ajika ) we bought at the market!

This was such a food feast! As dessert we had  Churchkhela, a speciality made of walnuts and dried fruits/jam, mjam!

I also had an amazing traditional breakfast last saturday with  Syrniki,  little cakes made of curd cheese, eggs and flour, served with sour cream and honey from the Ural mountains:

Apart from that I tried all kinds of russian soups…Borschtsch:

Okroschka, a cold russian summer soup, made of kefir, eggs, potatoes, radish and ham:

Sorrel soup:

On sunday we had an extended walk through Gorky Park, along the Moskwa to the watchout point at Lomonossow university where you can see all over Moscow and after over 4 hours of walking, we enjoyed a dinner in a cheap-but-good russian self service restaurant at Kijewski woksal , called MuMu (bad word in german :D )

Borschtsch, herring salad, beetroot salad, pearl barley and salmon:

Listening to:

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