Swedish Mash Up/ Visiting Atelier Food (Stockholm)

There is not only full bloom tulips in Stockholm right now….even though they are really really beautiful…there’s also a hidden place called Atelier Food…which is some kind of arty institution for trying out new things with food but also a Pop-Up-restaurant that is open during the week from 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. in fredsgatan 12, Stockholm.

They served 3 dishes a day, one with meat, one with fish and one vegetarian for 100 SK/95 SK and some delicious desserts. With every dish comes a free salad and bread and drinking water…

I had the vegetarian dish of the day which was potatoe-cellery-mash with broccoli, cauliflower, thin slices of fennel and apple and lots of liquid brown butter, lovely!

( The croutons that came with that were sadly very hard und unnecessary, but the rest was heavenly)

Atelier Food is a great place to go for lunch and the guests are a mixture of business people, students, old and young all enjoying the beautiful location and the fresh food!

I liked the dish so much, I re-created it at home, without broccoli and cauliflower but with buttery roasted hazelnut bits…Happa Happa!












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