Tattoo Must Come - Fritz’d by Robert Crumb

Shortly ago I read that the godfather of anti-establishment and American comic-underground Robert Crumb gets honored with his first retrospective now at the Musée d’Art Moderne in Paris. He’s been living in France since the mid-1990ies. I grew up with his dirty, sexist, stoned comic books because my daddy owned some and I started reading them secretly when I was way too young…

My favorite was always Fritz The Cat and I stole the book from my dad’s collection when I moved out…

This came back to my mind and I decided to get a Fritz Tattoo by the talented Madame Chän at A.K.A. /Pflügerstrasse/Neukölln.

She made it very oldschool and simple, like the original sketches in the comic. I love it, this very disorientated, stoned, lazy version of Fritz, rambling around my lower arm…

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